2011-2017, 博士:2138cn太阳集团古天乐 专业:一般力学与力学基础
2007-2011, 学士:浙江工业大学 专业:信息与计算科学
2020-至今, 2138cn太阳集团古天乐先进制造与机器人系- 助理教授

2018-2020, 牛津大学,博士后(合作导师:Kevin Foster教授)

2017-2018, 苏黎世联邦理澳门太阳娱乐网站官网,博士后(合作导师:Frank Schweitzer教授)

2015-2017, 麻省理澳门太阳娱乐网站官网,访问学生(访问导师:Jeff Gore副教授)

2014-2017, 美国东北大学,访问学者(访问导师:Albert-László Barabási教授)
Cross-Disciplinary Fellowship Award (International Human Frontier Science Program)
1. A. Li, S. Cornelius, Y.-Y. Liu, L. Wang and A.-L. Barabási. The fundamental advantages of temporal networks. Science 358, 1042-1046 (2017).
2. A. Li, L. Zhou, Q. Su, S. Cornelius, Y.-Y. Liu, L. Wang and S. A. Levin. Evolution of cooperation on temporal networks. Nature Communications 11, 2259 (2020).
3. A. Li, M. Broom, J. Du and L. Wang. Evolutionary dynamics of general group interactions in structured populations. Physical Review E 93, 022407 (2016).
4. A. Li and Y.-Y. Liu. Controlling network dynamics. Advances in Complex Systems 22, 1950021 (2019). (Review)
5. A. Limdi, A. Pérez-Escudero, A. Li and J. Gore. Asymmetric migration decreases stability but increases resilience in a heterogeneous metapopulation. Nature Communications 9, 2969 (2018).
6. Y. Zhang, J. Liu and A. Li*. Effects of empathy on the evolution of fairness in group-structured populations. Complexity 2019, 2915020 (2019).
7. Q. Su, A. Li, L. Wang and H. E. Stanley. Spatial reciprocity in the evolution of cooperation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286, 20190041 (2019).
8. Y. Yang, K. R. Foster, K. Z. Coyte* and A. Li*. Time delays modulate the stability of complex ecosystems. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, 1610-1619 (2023).
9. A. Sheng, Q. Su, A. Li*, L. Wang* and J. B. Plotkin*. Constructing temporal networks with bursty activity patterns. Nature Communications 14, 7311 (2023).
10. Y. Guan, S. Ren and A. Li*. Edge controllability of signed networks. Automatica 147, 110694 (2023).
11. Y. Meng, M. Broom and A. Li*. Impact of misinformation in the evolution of collective cooperation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20, 20230295 (2023).
12. Y. Yang, K. Z. Coyte, K. R. Foster* and A. Li*. Reactivity of complex communities can be more important than stability. Nature Communications 14, 7204 (2023).
13. X. Wang, L. Zhou, A. McAvoy and A. Li*. Imitation dynamics on networks with incomplete information. Nature Communications 14, 7453 (2023).