1月21日先进材料与纳米技术系——Domain Engineered Relaxor Based Single Crystals and the New Role of Domain Walls

讲座题目:Domain Engineered Relaxor Based Single Crystals and the New Role of Domain Walls


时 间:1月21日(周五)  下午4:00
地 点:廖凯原楼2-102

     Domain engineering is an effective method in fabricating multidomain ferroelectric materials that possess ultrahigh piezoelectric properties, such as [001]c polarized Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) and Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PZN-PT) single crystals. Recent experimental results demonstrated that the piezoelectric property enhancement in multidomain ferroelectric crystals depends strongly on the size of domains, or the density of domain walls. This means that domain walls do contribute to the effective macroscopic piezoelectric responses, although it might not be in terms of domain wall motions as in conventional PZT ceramics. In a simplified model, one may treat the domain wall as a separated thin layer material sandwiched in between two domains that have different material properties. Traditionally, domain wall region had been considered to have much higher electrical conductivity, but using conductive domain walls leads to contradictions with experimental results. We have explored a new theoretical treatment by assuming domain wall region as a thin layer insulating piezoelectric material. Through fitting the experimental results of BaTiO3 and PZN-6%PT multidomain single crystals, we were able to extract the corresponding set of effective material properties for domain walls. This simple piezoelectric domain wall model can provide satisfactory explanations to the domain size dependence of piezoelectric property enhancement in domain engineered ferroelectric crystals.

      曹文武教授的主要科研方向是鉄电材料物理的理论及应用,特别是压电器件和医用超声换能器的设计和制造。他的有关铁电畴和铁电相变理论方面的研究成果被国际同行广泛引用并被收入多部经典专著。已发表SCI学术论文280余篇、包括Nature Materials 和Physical Review Letters 等高端杂志。 合著学术专著3部、主持过十几次大型国际会议、在各种国际学术会议上做过百余次大会特邀报告。2006年入选教育部讲座教授,2009年受聘为中组部“”国家特聘专家。