讲座题目:Localized bulging in inflated hyperelastic membrane tubes and aneurysm formation in human arteries
时 间:3月31日(周四)下午4:00-5:00
地 点:力学楼434会议室
When a hyperelastic membrane tube is inflated, a localized bulge will form when the pressure reaches a critical value. Further growth of the bulge is accompanied by decreasing pressure until the bulge reaches a maximum size, after which it will no longer grow and will instead spread in both directions. This phenomenon is well-known and has been examined in many theoretical, experimental and numerical studies. We shall first report some of our recent results on this problem and show how they can be applied to the mathematical modelling of aneurysm formation in human arteries.
傅依斌,1982年获学士学位(长沙铁道学院数理力学系),1984年考取天津大学力学系出国研究生,先后于1986年和1988年在英国East Anglia大学数学系获得硕士和博士学位,1989年在英国Exeter大学从事博士后研究,1991年起在Manchester大学数学系做讲师,97年起在Keele大学先后担任高级讲师、副教授(1999)、教授(2001-)。当前的研究方向主要为:固体力学,波动力学,稳定理论,分叉与失稳,生物力学。目前担任IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 主编、Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica和International Journal of Applied Mechanics 编委,英国EPSRC基金会专家评审组成员,以及英国皇家学会国际会议及短期访问基金会专家评审组成员等学术职务。