6月27日力学系与湍流国家重点实验室——Giant Electroresistance Effect in Ferroelectric Tunneling Junctions And Its Controllabtlity by Mechanical Loads

讲座题目:Giant Electroresistance Effect in Ferroelectric Tunneling Junctions And Its Controllabtlity by Mechanical Loads

报告人:Prof. Yue Zheng


     Ferroelectric materials in the nano-scale are interesting not only from an academic point of view, they are also potentially useful in many applications, such as nano-transducers, nano-sensors and tunneling junctions, etc. Recent interest in the concept of ferroelectric tunneling junctions (FTJs) using ferroelectric tunnel barriers begins to expand for reasons of both scientific curiosity and prospects of practical applications. Our recent works found that applying a mechanical load to a ferroelectric tunnel junction may modify its tunnel barrier sufficiently to create changes in its electric resistance by orders of magnitude, a phenomenon they called Giant Piezoelectric-Resistance (GPR). Taking into account polarization charge screening in the electrodes and the near-surface inhomogeneous polarization distribution, the tunneling conductance (TC) of FTJs is modeled and calculated as a function of the applied mechanical load. Results show that the TC of FTJs can be modulated not only via the polarization orientations but also by the applied stress, giving rise to a GER-like effect. Similar to reversing the polarization, reversing a modest applied stress may also change the height of the tunnel barrier sufficiently to produce orders of magnitude change in the electro-resistance. Indeed, the sensitivity of the GPR system on the applied mechanical stress show that the GPR system have sufficient strength to be potentially useful in applications of high-sensitivity electronic and mechanical sensors, memories or other nano-devices.

     郑跃,中山大学百人计划引进人才、物理科学与工程技术学院/光电材料国家重点实验室教授、博士生导师。1997年进入哈尔滨工业大学工程力学专业学习,2001年获学士学位,2007年获博士学位,2009年受聘中山大学。2010年入选中山大学青年教师重点培育对象;中山大学卓越人才计划;广东省千百十工程第六批培养对象。现任“微&纳物理力学实验室”负责人。主要从事功能材料物理力学、铁电/铁磁材料理论研究、材料制备和应用研究。在力学、物理、材料及纳米科学期刊已发表SCI收录文章50余篇,其中包括JMPS, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Acta Mater, PRB, PCCP, APL, Nanotech, JAP, PLA, JPCM及JPD等学术期刊。应国际出版物邀请,参与编写专著一本,特邀综述一篇。近年,主持或参与了包括国家自然科学青年基金、面上基金、重点基金项目、国家自然科学基金委员会与香港研究资助局联合科研基金项目、中山大学重点培育项目等。