7月20日力学系与湍流国家重点实验室——Mechanical Behaviour of Highly Packed Particulate Composites

讲座题目:Mechanical Behaviour of Highly Packed Particulate Composites 


时 间:7月20日(周三)下午3:00
地 点:力学楼434会议室

     The talk is on a collaborative effort in studying the mechanical behaviour of Highly Packed Particulate Composites (HPPCs), including that of sedimentary rocks, brick and mortar biomimetic bones, pharmaceutical tablets, high explosives, solid rocket propellants, concretes, structured foods and nanotube-reinforced composites. The mechanical behaviour of HPPCs is controlled mainly by interfaces debonding and/or particle cracking depending on the competition between interface cohesion and particle toughness. The networking of debonded interfaces and cracked particles can be a gradual or sudden process. In some cases sudden networking needs to be avoided for safety reasons, for example in earthquakes and in solid propellants of a rocket booster; and in some other cases it is beneficial such as for a crispy biscuit, during rock drilling, and for slow-fast release control in pulsatile drug delivery. We are developing a percolation theory for the mechanical behaviour of HPPCs, and a 3D-movie fitting technique to combine X-ray tomography scanning with Material Point Method simulation to determine interior properties.

      谭鸿来博士现任英国阿伯丁大学工程学院的高级讲师。八年清华,他读取了现代应用物理理学学士、工程力学工学学士,和博士学位,并获得1999年度全国优秀博士学位论文奖。在美国布朗大学工程学院的博士后研究工作结束之后,他作为犹他大学的研究助理教授(2000-2001)和伊利诺伊大学的研究科学家(2003-2007)参与了美国能源部“加速战略计算计划”(Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative) 的工作并取得重大突破,研究成果分别为美国国家航空航天局和洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室应用于航天飞机和高能材料的事故诊断分析中;因此项成果,他被英国剑桥大学卡文迪什实验室特邀作学术报告。 