3月21日2138cn太阳集团古天乐水资源研究中心——Assessing the risks posed by contaminated sites to water resources

题目:Assessing the risks posed by contaminated sites to water resources

报告人:Poul L. Bjerg

时 间:3月21日周四14:30-16:00
地 点:澳门太阳娱乐网站官网一号楼519会议室

    Most countries have thousands of contaminated sites that are a legacy of the widespread use of toxic chemicals in industry and agriculture. These now pose a threat to ground water and surface water resources, freshwater ecosystems and drinking water supplies. The most common contaminants include chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons and pesticides. The cost of cleaning up the problem is typically very large and remediation programs must therefore continue over many years. In order to prioritize resource use for remediation efforts, new catchment scale risk assessment and prioritization methods and tools has been developed by the Technical University of Denmark for the Danish government and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, and is widely used by consultants and municipal authorities. The presentation aims to give an overview of the risk assessment activities and propose future challenges in the area.

    Dr. Poul L. Bjerg is a professor and the head of Water Resources Engineering Section at Technical University of Denmark. His research field is risk assessment and remediation technologies for contaminated soil, groundwater and surface water. This involves more recently use of life cycle assessment tools and focus on holistic management of contaminated sites and water resources. He is leader or participant in several research projects under different programmes (FP6 and FP7, The Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation, Strategic Environmental Research Programme 1996/Pesticides Significant experience with collaboration projects with leading consulting companies and administrative bodies (Danish EPA, Danish Regions/former counties).