主 办:工业工程与管理系
报告人:Professor Huosheng Hu
时 间:上午10:00
地 点:力学楼434会议室
主持人:谢广明 教授
Inspired from nature, robotics researchers are currently working on a new field of biomimetics using bio-principles, bio-processes and bio-mechanisms in order to realise an evolutionary transformation from biological systems to intelligent robots. As a result, intelligent robots are soon ready to serve us in our homes, hospitals, offices and everywhere. They are autonomous, interactive and intelligent, inspired from behaviour demonstrations of biological systems. However, these robots face a number of engineering challenges. Firstly, they have to deal with uncertainty within the systems, such as sensor noise, actuator inaccuracy, and components failure. Secondly, they have to handle a huge uncertainty in the real world, which is dynamically changing over time. Thirdly, they have to communicate with and navigate around humans in order to provide services. In this talk, I will briefly overview the current state of art robotics technologies, and present our research work toward the development of advanced theory and technologies, based on inspiration from biological systems. More specifically, bio-mimetic system modelling, intelligent wheelchairs, service robots and swarm robotics are discussed respectively, and some preliminary results are demonstrated via video.
Huosheng Hu is a Professor in the School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex, leading the robotics research. He received the MSc degree in industrial automation from the Central South University in China and the PhD degree in robotics from the University of Oxford in the U.K. His research interests include behaviour-based robotics, human-robot interaction, service robots, embedded systems, data fusion, learning algorithms, mechatronics, and pervasive computing. He has published over 420 papers in journals, books and conferences in these areas, and received a number of best paper awards. Prof. Hu is a Fellow of Institute of Engineering & Technology, a Fellow of Institute of Measurement & Control, a senior member of IEEE and ACM, a founding member of IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Technical committee on Networked Robots. He has been a Program Chair or a member of Advisory/Organising Committee for many international conferences such as IEEE IROS, ICRA, ICMA, ROBIO, and IASTED RA and CA conferences. He is currently Editor-in-Chief for International Journal of Automation and Computing, Editor-in-Chief for Robotics Journal, and Executive Editor for International Journal of Mechatronics & Automation.
胡豁生 1987年留学英国,在牛津大学获得博士学位,并在牛津大学机器人研究组工作9年时间。现任英国埃塞克斯大学计算机与电子工程系教授,机器人学科带头人。已在国际期刊杂志和国际会议论文集上发表420多篇论文(300多篇SCI 和 EI 检索),出版论著10本。研究方向包括智能机器人、嵌入式系统、多传感器信息融合、智能控制算法、分布式系统、机电一体化和网络下的机器人控制。现为英国工程技术协会和英国测量与控制协会 Fellow, 美国IEEE和ACM高级会员,多次列入世界名人录“Who’s Who”。现任国际自动化与计算机杂志主编,机器人杂志主编,国际机电一体化与自动化杂志的执行主编。
School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering
University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom