“以终为始”的系统思维——广又深的有效学习法(案例: 脉波与血管狭窄的预测)

主   办:工业工程与管理系
报告人:Professor Wheyming Song
时   间:上午10:00
地   点:方正大厦512会议室
主持人:宋洁 特聘研究员


先以有趣的生活例子引导出“系统思维”的观念, 并点出这正是工业工程系 (IE) 的核心精神。再以教学与产学实例说明“以终为始”(Begin with the end) 是达到大广度与深度的有效学习法。此演讲中以“脉波资料如何用于预测血管狭窄为案例”说明资料分析方法如何整合的运用于医疗系统。分析此案例所需方法整合电机系、统计系与工工系的课程,还要再加上与医院的合作方可所取得相关的仪器与资料。本案例可称是一跨领域的整合课题。此案例所用的方法原理可运用于其他医疗讯号的分析,如讯号来自脑波与心电图。详细的方法原理包括:

 (1)   时域与频域分析与转换 (电机系)

 (2)   影响脉波资料的实验设计与多变量分析 (统计系)

 (3)  脉波数据用于预测血管狭窄的方法 (工业工程系)

 (4)  去除脉波杂音讯方法(电机系)




Wheyming Tina Song is a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. She received her undergraduate degree in statistics and master's degree in industrial engineering at Cheng-Kung University in Taiwan in 1979. She then received master's degrees in applied mathematics in 1983 and industrial engineering in 1984, both from the University of Pittsburgh. She received her Ph.D. from the School of Industrial Engineering at Purdue University in 1989. She joined Tsing Hua in 1990 after spending one year as a visiting assistant professor at Purdue IE. Professor Song received the Outstanding University-Wide Teaching Award from the National Tsing Hua University in 1993. Her research interests include simulation analysis, applied probability & statistic, decision making & management. She also interested in philosophy include system thinking and creative thinking. Her research honors include the 1988 Omega Rho (International Operations Research Honor Society) Outstanding Student Paper Award, the 1990 IIE Doctoral Dissertation Award, and the 1996 Distinguished Research Award from the National Science Council of the Republic of China. She is currently served as an associate editor of the Journal of Simulation Modeling, Practice, and Theory, and a member of the editor board for European Journal of Industrial Engineering.



Department of Industrial Engineering at the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan