主 办:公选课讲座
报告人:Ron Nabarro
时 间:10月9日19:00
地 点:二教102
【演讲人】:Ron Nabarro
【领域】:Industrial Design and Design Management Education(工业设计与老年人设计)
【简介】:Nabarro教授身兼工业设计师、企业家、研究人员和教育工作者等多重职位,他还是Senior-Touch Ltd. 的联合创始人和总裁,获得了 2009 年度世界技术设计奖。Nabarro(荣鼐)教授还担任德国红点奖、新加坡红点概念设计奖、印度金融时报设计奖等国际设计大赛的评审团成员。
【英文简介】:Industrial designer, entrepreneur, researcher and educator. Co-founder and president of Senior-Touch ltd, is the winner of the World Technology Network award 2009 in design. He is a jury member for many international design competitions like Red dot Germany, Red dot concept Singapore, India financial times design award.
The world aging problem is becoming more and more serious. And the elder have lots of problems in their lives. Based on their living habits, physical characteristic, and behavior characteristics, elder product will be designed. This lecture will show the method to find the elder’s need and design product to meet it.