4D PET and SPECT image reconstruction method with respiratory and cardiac motion compensation

主   办:生物医学工程系
报告人:Benjamin M. W. Tsui
时   间:7月22日 周三 4:00pm - 5:30pm
地   点:王克桢楼806会议室
主持人:任秋实 教授


4D PET and SPECT image reconstruction method with respiratory and cardiac motion compensation. Nuclear medicines are becoming increasingly important in application of molecular imaging.

In this talk, I will first give a brief introduction into the PET/SPECT instrumentation project. In particular, I will focus on two subjects – the respiratory and the cardiac motion compensation for PET and SPECT. I will describe the latest enabling technological breakthroughs in compact radiation sensors, electronics and software for PET and SPECT.



Benjamin M. W. Tsui received his B.Sc (2005) and M.Sc (2007) in CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG and DARTMOUTH COLLEGE, respectively He then moved to CHICAGO and pursued his PhD studies at the University of Chicago on the topic of medical physics. Dr. Tsui did his postdoctoral training at and was on the faculty of the University of Chicago before joining the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Radiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1982. His research interest is in medical imaging, particularly in the area of Single-Photon Computed Emission Tomography (SPECT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Specific research projects include imaging theory, Monte Carlo simulation, collimator design, image evaluation, two-dimensional and three-dimensional image reconstruction algorithm development, and quantitative SPECT imaging techniques. He is a PI of 5 NIH and DOD research grants and subcontracts.

Benjamin is the member of Faculty Advisory Committee, Office of Technology Transfer, Johns Hopkins University (2005-present) and Oversight Committee, Molecular Imaging Center, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes. In industrial boards, Benjamin is the senior consultant of GE Healthcare, Toshiba, Hybridyne Imaging Technologies and Elmet Technologies. He published more than 200 papers, edited more than ten books.