Mechanics of Swimming in Sand /沙中游动的力学研究

主   办:工业工程与管理系
报告人:Dr. Yang Ding
时   间:12月28日(周一)10:30-11:30
地   点:力学楼 434
主持人:谢广明 教授


Locomotion within granular media like sand, soil and debris that display both solid and fluid-like behavior is challenging and not well understood. I will summarize our efforts to understand the mechanics of swimming in sand. High speed x-ray imaging showed that the 10 cm-long sandfish swims at 2 body-lengths/sec within sand by propagating an undulatory traveling wave down the body. We developed an empirical resistive force model and detailed computational models. The models correctly predict the animal swimming speed and also explain the muscle activation pattern observed on the sandfish. The principles discovered helped the development of a sand-swimming robot.

Dr. Yang Ding received his Ph.D. in physics from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2011. Afterwards, he did postdoctoral studies at Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Southern California. He joined the faculty of the Beijing Computational Science Research Center in 2014 and currently he is an assistant professor. He has publications in Science, PNAS, and PRL. Recently, he was selected into "the Recruitment Program of Global Young Experts(青年)" .