主 办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
时 间:6月24日(周五)上午9:00-10:30
地 点:力学楼314室
主持人:刘才山 教授
Many organisms in nature move around by generating a traveling wave of curvature along their bodies. When the resistive force dominates the interaction between an organism and its environment, such as sperm swimming in a low Reynolds number fluid and snake crawling, the mechanics is relatively simple. In this talk, I will review progresses on the study of the mechanics of undulatory locomotion in such environments and summarize our recent efforts in understanding the mechanics of undualtory swimming in granular materials and the internal torque pattern.
Dr. Yang Ding received his Ph.D. in physics from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2011. Afterwards, he did postdoctoral studies at Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Southern California. He joined the faculty of the Beijing Computational Science Research Center in 2014 and currently he is an assistant professor. He has publications in Science, PNAS, and PRL. He was selected into "the Recruitment Program of Global Young Experts(青年)" in 2015