High- and Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy 等二则

主   办:生物医学工程系
报告人:Dr. J?rg Enderlein等
时   间:2016年8月8日(周一),上午09:30-11:30 (60 min/talk)
地   点:金光生命科学大楼208室



报告人1: Dr. J?rg Enderlein

题目:High- and Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy 


The presentation provides a general introduction into the field of high and superresolution fluorescence microscopy, starting with the physical origin of the classical resolution limit. It continuous with an overview of the different techniques which have been invented over the last 20 years for pushing the limits of the diffraction-limited resolution and even going beyond these limits. In particular, I will discuss in detail Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM), and the recently introduced Image Scanning Microscopy (ISM). Next, the presentation turns to the recently developed “true” superresolution microscopy approaches, which indeed circumvent the classical diffraction-related resolution limit. The last part of the talk will focus on several lesser known techniques such as Stochastic Optical Fluctuation Imaging (SOFI) or Metal Induced Energy Transfer (MIET) Imaging, which are particularly interesting methods due to their exceptional simplicity and broad applicability. Special emphasis will be put on bridging the gap between the physical principles behind all these methods, their practicability, and the gain in information when applied to bioimaging.


Prof. J?rg Enderlein is a professor at Georg-August University G?ttingen, Germany. His research interests span across Single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, superresolution fluorescence microscopy, protein conformational dynamics and folding, structural biology, nano-optics and plasmonics. He has developed Two-Focus Fluorescent Correlation Spectroscopy (2f-FCS), and a series of super-resolution techniques such as SOFI, MIET, and ISM. His H-index is 46 and his work has acquired over 7000 total citations (according to Google Scholar).


报告人2:                    Dr. Xiaoke Chen

Assistant Professor, Stanford University , USA

题目: Brain Circuits Mediating Negative Emotions


Our long-term goal is to understand how brain circuits mediate motivated behaviors and how maladaptive change in these circuits lead to neuropsychiatric disorders.  We currently focus on study external or internal threat induced negative emotions, which is critical for animal’s well-being and survival.  There is mounting evidence suggests an evolutionarily conserved neuronal network that underlying the sense and interprets negative emotions. Moreover, exaggerate emotional responses to aversive stimuli is a common feature in mental disorders such as depression and PTSD. Thus, by examining the maladaptive changes in this neuronal network in animal models of mental disorders, we might provide novel insight for treating these devastating disorders.  In this talk, I will discuss negative emotions caused by somatic and visceral stress.  We developed a novel in vivo two-photon imaging platform to study how painful stimuli are represented in the spinal cord.  Using opiate withdrawal as a model of strong visceral stress, we identified a thalamic circuitry that is essential for physical and emotional withdrawal responses.