Topological Kagome Lattice

主   办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:Dr. Guoliang Huang Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
时   间:6月25日(周一)下午2:00
地   点:力学楼434会议室
主持人:励争 教授


Both Quantum Valley-Hall Insulator (QVHI) and Quantum Spin-Hall Insulator (QSHI) are implemented into a simple mass-spring Kagome lattice. The transition from the trivial state to the topological one is described by an invariant Chern number function of a contrast parameter. The band diagram and helical edge states characteristic of QVHI and QSHI are obtained by a combination of numerical and analytical methods. In particular, these states are shown to be Stoneley wave solutions to a set of asymptotic continuous motion equations. Last, scatterless propagation of polarized topological edge waves around sharp corners is demonstrated and robustness is assessed through a parametric study. On the other hand, static mechanical polarization effects of Kagome lattice is captured by developing new micro-twisting theory, which is also validated by numerical simulation.


Dr. Guoliang Huang is currently a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at University of Missouri-Columbia. He received his Ph.D. degree from University of Alberta, Canada, in 2004. He was a post-doctoral fellow and a research assistant professor in School of Aeronautics and Astro-nautics at Purdue University from Aug. 2004 to July 2006. Dr. Huang’s research interests include elastic/acoustic metamaterials, topological mechanics, structural dynamics, multi-scale and multi-physical modeling, structural health monitoring, bio-sensing, and micro- and nano-mechanics. Dr. Huang’s research has been funded by NSF, Air Force of Scientific Research, Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, Department of Energy, NASA, and industries.  He has authored one book, 4 book chapters and 90 journal papers. He is currently an associate editor of Wave Motion. He is the recipients of Northrop Research Award at University of Arkansas in 2009 and Senior Faculty Re-search Award at University of Missouri in 2018.