Airway smooth muscle cells migration and orientation on 3D surfaces: taking side

报告人:邓林红教授 (常州大学)
时间:12月6日 周四14:00
主持人:熊春阳 教授


Airway smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) are known to migrate and assemble into helical band structures around the tubular airway wall, with the helical angle variable in states from normal to disease such as asthma. However, the mechanism underlying such morphogenesis of the ASMCs remains largely unknown.
Using concave/convex tubular/folding substrate, we found that on the surface of the micropatterned tubular substrate, the migration and orientation of the ASMCs were closely dependent not only on the tube’s radius, but also on which side of the tube either the concave or convex side. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the migration and orientation behaviors of the ASMCS were dependent on the contractile state of the cells, primarily on the actin-myosin interaction. These behaviours were not observed with other pulmonary cell types such as FBs and EPCs.
Our findings indicate that under in vitro culture condition the ASMCs could quickly determine the microenvironment of the tubular/folding micropatterned curved surface, and change their behaviors accordingly, which ultimately led the cells to self assemble into a morphology most fit for their survival and function. This phenomenon may have important implications to better understand the mechanisms of tissue morphogenesis of tubular organs such as the pulmonary airways in both health and diseased.


Linhong Deng obtained PhD from Bioengineering Unit, University of Strathclyde, UK in 2000. He subsequently worked as Postdoctoral Fellow at School of Biomedical Engineering, Dalhousie University, Canada from 2000-04, and Research Associate at Harvard School of Public Health, USA from 2004-07, respectively. In 2007, he was appointed as Cheung Kung Distinguished Professor by the Ministry of Education of China, and served as Director of Key Laboratory of Biorheological Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Bioengineering College, Chongqing University, China. In 2012, he founded, and since serves as Director of, Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences, Changzhou University, China. His current research interests include cell mechanics and cell mechanobiology, in particular the mechanical behaviors of the airway smooth muscle cell and its roles in the pathophysiology of asthma. His contribution to this field includes publications in top journals such as Nature, Nature Materials, and Am J of Physiology Cell Physiology. Professor Deng has also been recognized for research excellence by American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE Fellowship, 2015), Jiangsu Provincial Government (Academic Leadership Award, 2013), Chongqing Science and Technology Commission (Outstanding Scientific Talents, 2011), The National Returned Overseas Chinese Association (Innovation Award, 2010), Thomson Scientific “Science Watch” (Fast Breaking Paper, 2008), FASEB (Smooth Muscle Research Young Investigator Award, 2003), International Society of Biorheology (Travel Award, 1992).
