
报告人:Prof. Satish T. S. Bukkapatnam
主持人:张玺 副教授,吴建国 特聘研究员


Recent advances in wireless communications, machine learning, and manufacturing technologies offer an unprecedented opportunity to create personalized wearable sensors and prognostics dashboards that can revolutionize the way we assure human health and wellness at the point-of-care. In this context discerning information from the transient sensor signals for detection and prediction of pathological episodes, such as seizure remains a major challenge. This talk introduces an ongoing effort to develop personalized wearable electroencephalogram (EEG) sensors, with prognostic capability, that can enhance the quality of life among subjects with epilepsy.



Satish T. S. Bukkapatnam received his Ph.D. degree in industrial and manufacturing engineering from the Pennsylvania State University. He currently serves as Rockwell International Professor with Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering department at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA. He is also the Director of Texas A&M Engineering Experimentation Station (TEES) Institute for Manufacturing Systems, and has joint appointments with Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering departments. His research addresses the harnessing of high-resolution nonlinear dynamic information, especially from wireless MEMS sensors, to improve the monitoring and prognostics, mainly of ultraprecision and nanomanufacturing processes and machines, and cardiorespiratory processes. His research has led to 141 peer-reviewed publications (82 published/ accepted in journals and 59 in conference proceedings); five pending patents; $5 million in grants as PI/Co-PI from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the private sector; and 14 best-paper/poster recognitions. He is a fellow of the Institute for Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), and he has been recognized with Oklahoma State University regents distinguished research, Halliburton outstanding college of engineering faculty, IISE Eldin outstanding young industrial engineer and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Dougherty outstanding young manufacturing engineer awards.

