Evaluating unconventional shale oil and gas reservoirs with geochemistry

报告人:Prof. Toti Larson The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Acting-Principal Investigator for the Mudrock Systems Research Laboratory
主持人:邹如强 教授



Methods to characterize subsurface cores that contain fine interlayers of sedimentary mudrocks and limestones are fundamental for the exploration and evaluation of unconventional oil and gas reservoirs. Identification of mineralogy, mineralogical lithofacies, and organic-matter rich intervals along subsurface cores provides important information that is used to inform geologic depositional models and better understand reservoir heterogeneities at the centimeter- to meter-scale. Mineralogy also influences rock brittleness, a characteristic fundamental to hydraulic fracture potential. Porosity and permeability, which ultimately governs the production potential for a well, are shown to correlate to mineralogy. Here I will present an overview of unconventional oil and gas deposits and describe methodologies that we apply to better understand key parameters that affect oil and gas production.


