Detonation Onset in Poly-dispersed Sprays: Droplets Atomization, Evaporation, Combustion

报告人:Nikolay N. Smirnov 教授 Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Moscow M.V.Lomonosov State University, Leninskie Gory 1, Moscow 119992, Russia
主持人:王健平 教授



      The lecture presents the results of theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations of combustion and detonation initiation in heterogeneous polydispersed mixtures. The problems of fuel droplets atomization, evaporation and combustion and the non-equilibrium effects in droplets atomization and phase transitions are discussed in details. The effects of droplets size non-uniformity and spatial distribution non-uniformity on mixture ignition and flame acceleration were investigated for strong and mild initiation of detonation: by a shock wave and spark ignition followed by deflagration to detonation transition (DDT). Peculiarities of jet injection and ignition in reaction chamber are studied.

       Investigating the behavior of individual droplets in a heated airflow allowed distinguishing two scenarios for droplet heating and evaporation. Small droplets undergo successively heating, then cooling due to heat losses for evaporation, and then rapid heating till the end of their life time. Larger droplets could directly be heated up to a critical temperature and then evaporate rapidly. Atomization of droplets interferes heating and evaporation scenario.

       Investigating droplet cloud strong ignition by a shock wave showed that increase of droplet concentration above definite value inhibits the onset of detonation in dispersed mixtures and gives birth to a detonation mode typical for non-premixed systems, when chemical reaction takes place only in a thin border layer of the cloud thus supporting the shock wave in pure gas propagation.



     Prof., Dr.Sc. habilitat Nikolay N.Smirnov received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics and Mathematics from Moscow M.V.Lomonosov State University in the years 1976 and 1980 respectively. He defended habilitation dissertation in 1990 and got a degree of Dr.Sc.-hab. Degree of Scenior Scientist was awarded in 1987, degree of full Professor was awarded in 1994. He is currently full professor in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and deputy dean, Head of Wave Processes Laboratory and deputy director of Gas and Wave Dynamics Department. He was Visiting Professor in the Karlsruhe University, Germany (in 1994), in Free University of Brussels, Belgium (1995/96 and 2000). Currently he is holding half a position of head of strategic information technologies in the Federal Science Center “Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences”. Prof. N.N. Smirnov was elected the Corresponding Member to Russian Academy of Technological Sciences in 1992. He received Shuvalov's prise (1993) for the book "Heterogeneous Combustion". Since 1992 he is a member of the Combustion Institute (Int.), since 2007 President of the Combustion Institute Russian Section. Full member of the Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Sciences on Combustion and Explosion since 1995, in the period 1999-2015 – Vice President of the Council. Member of the Microgravity Science Committee of the International Astronautical Federation since 1995, since 2015 – Committee Chair. Member of the Scientific Council on Ecology of the Russian Space Agency in 1994-1998. Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences since 1998, academician since 2007. Corresponding Member of International Academy of Astronautics since 2005, Academician – since 2008, Commission 1 Space Physical Sciences Chair (2013-2018). Elected the member of National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in 2005. He is/was a member of the board of “Combustion and Flame”, “Acta-Astronautica”, “Shock Waves” and other national and international journals, science foundations, congresses. He was awarded Kapitsa Gold Medal of the Academy of Natural Sciences for the scientific discovery (2007), S.P. Korolev (2007), M.V. Keldysh (2008), G.A.Tyulin (2014) and Yu.A.Gagarin (2015) medals of the Russian Federation of Cosmonautics, V.G. Grabin medal of the Russian Academy for Rocket and Artillery Sciences (2009), Kh.A. Rakhmatulin medal of National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (2010), Ministry of Emergency medal (2011), M.T.Kalashnikov medal (2013), A.Ya.Sagomonyan medal (2014), B.E.Gelfand medal of the Combustion Institute Russian Section (2013). Awarded the honor title “Distinguished professor of Moscow M.V.Lomonosov State University” in 2017. Distinguished service Award from the International Astronautical Federation in 2019 for the outstanding contribution to the Microgravity Science and Process Committee for more than 20 years.

       Published 11 books and more then 200 papers in peer reviewed journals, and 200 communications to scientific meetings in the fields of Mathematical modeling, Information technologies, Physical Chemistry, Wave Dynamics, Combustion and Explosion, Space Physical Sciences.

       Under the supervision of Prof. Smirnov N.N. more than 100 students defended their master diploma thesis, 15 students defended their Ph.D. thesis, and 2 Ph.D. defended habilitation dissertations.


