
报告人:Professor Umberto Iemma Department of Engineering Roma Tre University, Italy



The possibility to model and design metamaterials tailored to aeroacoustic applications is one of the hottest topics in aeronautical engineering research. The possibilities disclosed by aeroacoustic metamaterials for the mitigation of the community noise of aircraft are virtually endless. Metamaterials for scattering cancellation (cloaking), noise hyper-focusing, and noise trapping could be exploited to develop a new generation of low-noise devices capable to modify substantially the acoustic impact of aircraft. The theoretical and numerical modelling of metamaterials capable to operate within a flow is here addressed in a comprehensive fashion, starting from the modelling of a metacontinuum with unconventional mechanical properties, to eventually attain a generalized formulation of the equations governing the propagation of an acoustic disturbance within the unconventional medium. The results of numerical simulations and experimental campaigns are also shown and commented.



Umberto Iemma (born in Rome, Italy in 1962) joined Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the Roma Tre University in 1996. Currently, is Full Professor of Aerospace Structures and Design at the Department of Engineering of the same University. Involved in aeroacoustics-related research since the beginning of his research activity in 1993, during the last decade has focused his research on the multidisciplinary conceptual design of innovative, environment-friendly aircraft under aeroacoustic constraints and objectives. Specific research topics pertain the theoretical and numerical modelling of aeroacoustic metamaterials, the management of uncertainties for robust and reliable multiobjective optimization, and the development of adaptive metamodeling technique for aeroacoustic applications. Heavily involved in the research program funded by the European Commission has participated to 14 European Research Projects since 1995. Currently, is the coordinator of the project AERIALIST (Advanced Aircraft-Noise alleviation devices using metamaterials), and responsible of the Roma Tre research unit in the H2020 projects ANIMA (Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches) and ARTEM (Aircraft noise Reduction Technologies and related Environmental iMpact). Is author of more than 180 papers published on international scientific journals or presented at international conferences, and member of AVT Expert panels for aeroacoustics and stochastic optimization since 2016.

