9月10日材料科学与工程系——Experimental study of natural gas hydrates


9月10日材料科学与工程系——Experimental study of natural gas hydrates

报告题目:Experimental study of natural gas hydrates

报告人:Dr. Hailong Lu

时  间:9月10日(周一)下午 3:10 – 3:50
地  点:理教419

    Gas hydrate is an ice-like material, in which gas molecules occupy the cages constructed with water molecules via hydrogen bond. Due to its huge amount, natural gas hydrate has been taken as a promising natural energy resource. Due to the special property of gas hydrate, being stable only at relatively high pressure and low temperature, it is difficult to recover intact gas hydrate sample. As a result experimental study is critical for understanding the characteristics of natural gas hydrate. In this presentation, the experimental methods for characterizing natural gas hydrate sample, and lab-based investigations of the physical and chemical properties of gas hydrates, which affect for the occurrence of gas hydrate in natural environment, will be discussed.

    Dr. Hailong Lu is a research officer at Measurement Science and Standards, Division of Emerging Technologies, National Research Council, Canada. He obtained his B.S. from Peking University, and Ph.D. from University of Tokyo, Japan. His research focuses on field and laboratory investigations of natural gas hydrates, experimental studies of the physical and chemical properties of clathrate hydrates, experimental investigation of CO2 sequestration in geological formations, micro-scale studies of energy (oil and gas) systems, etc.