11月9日力学系与湍流国家重点实验室——Asymptotic numerical method for structural instability


11月9日力学系与湍流国家重点实验室——Asymptotic numerical method for structural instability

题目:Asymptotic numerical method for structural instability

报告人:Zahrouni Hamid

时  间:11月9日(周五)下午2:30
地  点:力学楼434会议室

    The present talk is focused on the Asymptotic Numerical Method (ANM) and its applications to structural instability. This method is a numerical tool based on the association of perturbation techniques and numerical ones such as finite element method. By comparison with a classical iterative algorithm, ANM can be considered as a high order predictor algorithm without need of any iteration. This property of ANM allows one to solve strongly nonlinear problems with high accuracy and with robust and efficient strategy in computing singular points. We will show that this technique is very easy to implement in a classical finite element code. Various applications will be presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the present method. Attention will be mainly focused on the problems exhibiting instabilities by limit points of by bifurcation ones. An application to atomistic simulation will be also presented.

    Hamid Zahrouni : professor in department of mechanics of Lorraine University (Metz, France)  since 2007. Assistant professor from 1999 to 2006 in Metz University. 
    Main fields of interest :
    - development of algorithms for solving non linear problems involving instability phenomena as buckling of thin structures, wrinkling observed in engineering processes as rolling, leveling,…
    - Modeling of Friction Stir Welding process which is a recent joining technology invented for metals considered as difficult to weld by classical welding processes.
    - Numerical homogenization involving instabilities,
    -Meshless methods with applications to engineering processes.