  尊敬的专家、学者:     您好!     全球气候变化近年来一直是学界和产业界极为关注的问题,它超越国界、它激起反思、它推动技术和产业的革命。     为提供广泛而深入的交流平台, 第五届全球应对气候变化国际会议(GCGW-2014, Global Conference on Global Warming)将于 2014 年 5 月 25 日 -29 日在中国北京(2138cn太阳集团古天乐)举行。 澳门太阳娱乐网站官网张信荣教授应邀担任本次国际会议承办方主席。     本次会议是在前四届大会(2008-伊斯坦布尔;2009-伊斯坦布尔;2011-里斯本;2012-伊斯坦布尔)成功举办的基础上,第一次在国内举行。往届大会规模均在400人以上,是综合性学术论坛。     大会官方语言为英语。会议涉及到全球气候变化相关的多个学科,将汇聚来自大气、海洋、地质各方面,生态、能源、资源等等领域,以及工业、农业、林业各方向的研究者共同讨论相关议题。会议以各学科 学术研究和论文交流为主,同时也开辟了 产业论坛和企业交流分会场。   会议论文摘要截止日期为 2014 年 1 月 31 日。          我们诚挚的邀请在气候变化相关领域的研究同仁不吝赐稿、参会!大会发表的部分优秀论文均将推荐至 国际 SCI 、 EI 收录期刊发表(International Journal of Energy Research, International Journal of Global Warming, International Journal of Exergy等等)。     同时,会议也欢迎国内外相关企业参与企业论坛和相关展示交流赞助活动。          详情和注册投稿请参考会议 英文网站 http://www.gcgw.org或者直接邮件联系 (中英文均可)沟通。     下面是本次会议的英文介绍:   Dear Colleague,    Following four successful organizations, I cordially invite you to participate in the next conference:  Global Conference on Global Warming 2014 (GCGW-14), which will be held at  Peking University, Beijing, China, on May 25-29, 2014. The Founder Chair of the GCGW conference is  Dr. Ibrahim Dincer from University of Ontario Institute of Technology. The local Chair of GCGW 2014 is  Dr. Xin-Rong Zhang from Peking University.    GCGW-14 is a multi–disciplinary international conference on the  global warming and climate change issues and potential solutions. The aim of this conference is to assembly international scientists, researchers, engineers, policy makers and others specialists with an interest in issues related to global warming and potential solutions.   To allow for more participants and their paper submission, we extended the  abstract deadline(through website) to be :  January 31, 2014.   Further Publications: Special issues of the journals  International Journal of Energy Research,  International Journal of Global Warming,  International Journal of Exergy will come out with selected papers presented at GCGW-2014.   For more details, please visit  the website: or you can directly contact with by email.   Additional information: THEMES: The conference will provide a platform for the dissemination of state-of-the-art researches, technical interactions between participants, the presentation of the new developments in the area of global warming and climate change, and the debate and shaping of future directions and priorities for better environment, sustainable development and energy security.  The primary themes of the conference are global warming and climate change, not only in engineering and science but also in all other disciplines (e.g. ecology, education, social sciences, economics, management, political sciences, and information technology). Therefore, papers on related topics are solicited from all relevant disciplinary areas, ranging from current problems, projections, new concepts, modeling, experiments and measurements, to simulations.   IMPORTANT DATES: The conference will be held at Peking University, Beijing, and the  important dates are 1.      Deadline for Abstract Submission (through website) :  Extended to January 31, 2014 2.      Deadline for Abstract Approval (via e-mail) :  February 05, 2014 3.      Deadline of Full Paper Submission (through website) :  February 25, 2014 4.      Deadline for Full Paper Approval (via e-mail) :  March 05, 2014 5.      Conference:  May 25-29, 2014 PAPER SUBMISSION: If possible, please submit your paper through the online submission system (    FURTHER PUBLICATIONS:  Special issues of the journals  International Journal of Energy Research,  International Journal of Global Warming,  International Journal of Exergy will come out with selected papers presented at GCGW2014.     Sincerely, we look forward to seeing you in Beijing and hope you a very pleasant academic visiting journey!
With our best regards,     Dr. Xin-Rong (Ron.) Zhang ( 张信荣) Conference Chair On Behalf of the Organizing Committee   Professor Director of Center for New Energy System College of Engineering Peking University Beijing 100871, China E-mail: