Standford School of Engineering China Research Exchange Program
Program Overview
     The Stanford SoE China Research Exchange Program is aimed at fostering collaboration among researchers at Stanford and top-tier universities in China and enhancing graduate engineering education by providing Stanford Ph.D. students the opportunity to live, study, and work in China while pursuing their degree.  
     The program invites Stanford faculty to apply for funding that enables a symmetrical exchange of Ph.D. students between Stanford and Peking University (PKU) or Tsinghua University for 1-2 quarters. We have found that the exchange is most successful when students are actively engaged in a joint project shared by the advisors at both universities or when the faculty have projects on which such an exchange of expertise would be beneficial to all involved.
     The program will provide travel to Beijing and arrange for documentation required to obtain a visa. Stanford students’ tuition and stipend will continue to be paid by the Department or advisor, except under exceptional circumstances.  The program will pay a stipend and tuition and arrange for Peking/Tsinghua University students to become Visiting Researchers for the duration of their stay at Stanford.  Housing at Stanford will be arranged for Peking/Tsinghua University students who come to Stanford during spring (winter may also be possible, but housing will not be available on campus during the fall quarter).  Housing at Peking/Tsinghua Universities will be provided for Stanford students by those universities as part of the exchange agreement.
     We anticipate being able to support 4-5 exchange arrangements (5 Stanford students and 5 students from PKU or Tsinghua) for 2010-2011.

Eligibility      All Academic Council Faculty in the School of Engineering are invited to apply.  The program is aimed at Ph.D. students as exchange partners, but other students who are actively involved in conducting research may be considered as exchange partners.   Chinese Fellowships
     The “Short-Term Study Abroad Fund for the Ph.D. Students of Tsinghua University” is a program that provides funding for 3-6 month research with faculty from top-tier foreign universities.  Funding from the Chinese Ministry of Education may be available to students from Peking/Tsinghua Universities.  We encourage faculty applicants to work with their faculty collaborators at the relevant university to secure a Tsinghua Study Abroad Fellowship or a Ministry of Education Fellowship for their stay at Stanford.  If the Chinese students who wish to stay at Stanford for two rather than one quarter, one of these two fellowships is required.  At this time, neither of these fellowships pay tuition, but other funds will offset the costs of such an exchange and may enable the student to remain at Stanford for longer than they would otherwise.    Language Preparation      Language skill in Standard Chinese (Mandarin) is essential for Stanford students living in China. Our goal is to leave the program open to both students who do not yet speak Chinese and to those who do.  The School of Engineering will provide a custom language course through the Stanford Language Center during spring quarter. Stanford students going to China for summer or fall quarters course must take this course for a minimum of three units of credit.  The course will meet 3 to 4 hours per week. Students should register for CHINLANG 31E (Accelerated Beginning Mandarin for Engineering), with the option of letter grade or CR/NC. Stanford students going to China in winter or spring quarters must take introductory Mandarin (offered fall quarter at Stanford). This course requirement will be waived for students who have already taken at least one quarter of Mandarin, or for students with equivalent experience.
      Peking/Tsinghua University students are required to have excellent spoken and written English. This should be evaluated by the faculty applicant and his/her collaborator at Peking/Tsinghua University.
Application Process       Applications are due by February 19, 2010 (for exchanges starting in 2010-2011) to Pamela Hinds, Faculty Director of the program, at
      In general, we expect the applications to describe the project(s) on which the students would be working and why such an exchange would be beneficial to the research, the proposed timing of the exchange (note that Chinese students can only be guaranteed housing at Stanford during Spring quarter), the source of the students’ tuition and stipend, how the students will be integrated into the faculty members’ labs or research groups at each university (e.g. type of office space or work space being provided, research meetings to which they’ll be invited, etc.), and the names and transcripts of the students to be involved in the exchange. At the time of the application, we expect the applicant to have agreement from a Chinese colleague at Peking or Tsinghua University to participate in this one-to-one student exchange. The application should also indicate whether a Ministry of Education scholarship is being sought for the Chinese students in the exchange. Applications are generally expected to be 1-2 pages in length.  
      The specific Stanford student engaged in the exchange need not be identified at the time of the application, although the names of both students is required prior to the application being approved.   Application Process       For questions about the program or the application process, please contact Pamela Hinds at