佐治亚理澳门太阳娱乐网站官网/艾默里大学/2138cn太阳集团古天乐 联合博士项目协调员
职位:佐治亚理澳门太阳娱乐网站官网/艾默里大学/2138cn太阳集团古天乐联合博士项目协调员 职责:   · 全面负责佐治亚理澳门太阳娱乐网站官网/艾默里大学/2138cn太阳集团古天乐合作项目的协调和行政管理工作,包括但不限于现有的佐治亚理澳门太阳娱乐网站官网/艾默里大学/2138cn太阳集团古天乐生物医学工程专业联合博士项目、华莱士科特佐治亚理澳门太阳娱乐网站官网/艾默里大学/2138cn太阳集团古天乐联合科研种子基金项目、本科生暑期科研项目,以及其他新的合作项目。   · 为合作项目涉及的教师、学生及来访者提供服务,安排行程、协助安排住房、协调办理签证等;协调相关项目宣传和招生活动,包括信息提供、筹备和分发资料;作为联络人,负责与2138cn太阳集团古天乐、佐治亚理澳门太阳娱乐网站官网和艾默里大学的教学、科研和管理部门联络工作;协助办理联合博士学生入学事宜,确保学生在三校正常注册;追踪预算使用情况、承担财会工作。   · 协助联合博士项目负责人并向其汇报工作,同时与2138cn太阳集团古天乐、佐治亚理澳门太阳娱乐网站官网/艾默里大学生物医学工程系的管理部门密切合作。起草给科特基金会的半年度工作及财务报告。   起始时间:即时聘用 薪资福利:视申请人的资质、经验和绩效而异 应聘条件:     具有本科或以上学历;具备良好的中英文交流及书写能力,能熟练使用办公软件,人际沟通协调能力强;有高校相关管理工作背景,善于与教师和学生交流者以及有海外教育及工作经历者优先。 咨询电话: 86-10-62767113 申请: 请将中、英文简历发送至   Georgia Tech/Emory/Peking University Joint Venture Project Coordinator   Job Responsibilities: l   Responsible for overall coordination of administrative activities for the Georgia Tech/Emory/Peking University Joint Venture on PKU campus to include but not limited to the existing The Georgia Institute of Technology - Emory University - Peking University Joint Ph.D. Degree Program in Biomedical Engineering, the Wallace H. Coulter GT/Emory-PKU BME Collaborative Research Seed Grant Program, and the Undergraduate Summer Research Intern Program as well as new initiatives and related development efforts. l   Provide support for faculty, students and guests of the joint venture. Make travel arrangements; assist with housing for faculty and students, and coordinate travel visa documents. Coordinate marketing and recruitment efforts to include information sessions and preparation and distribution of materials. Serve as liaison for academic offices and campus administrative units on PKU campus as well as counterparts at Georgia Tech/Emory campuses. Ensure that students are properly enrolled. Keep track of budgets to include reconciliation and report preparation. l   Report to the Director of the Joint Ph.D. Degree Program but also work closely with the PKU BME administration and the counterpart at Georgia Tech/Emory. Prepare semiannual activity and finance report to the Coulter’s Foundation.   Location: Stationed at PKU campus but may also travel to Georgia Tech/Emory campuses at Atlanta, e.g., to participate in the Joint BME Annual Workshop when it is held in Atlanta.   Starting time: Immediate hire   Compensation: Commensurate with qualifications, experience, and performance.   Education: Minimum Bachelor's Degree   Experience: Preference is given to those with prior administrative related experience especially in a college/university environment, working with faculty and students. Overseas Education and/or work experience is a plus.   Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills in Chinese and in English, outstanding interpersonal skills.   Inquiry: +86-10-62767113 Application: Send resume to