







Direct numerical simulation of high Reynolds number turbulent pipe flows


Prof. Jie Yao (姚杰)


主持人:杨越 教授

  间:725 (周二下午16:00—17:00




Wall-turbulence is common in nature and technology, and an improved understanding of its underlying physics is essential for flow modelling and control. Among all the wall-turbulence, pipe is the most canonical one and are frequently encountered in a variety of environmental, technological, and even biological applications. We present well-resolved direct numerical simulations of the flow in a smooth circular pipe of radius R and axial length 10πR at friction Reynolds numbers up to Reτ = 5200. Various turbulence statistics are documented and compared with other DNS and experimental data in pipes as well as channels. Small but distinct differences between various datasets are identified. In addition, the wall shear stress fluctuations, the inner peak of axial velocity variance, and the wall and peak of r.m.s. pressure fluctuations continuously increase with Reτ, and their difference between pipe and channel progressively decreases with increasing Reτ. These high-fidelity data enable us to provide better insights into the flow physics in the pipes as well as the similarity/difference among different types of wall turbulence.



Jie Yao is a professor in Advanced Research Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences at BIT. He obtained the B.S. in Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 2011 and an M.S. in University of Houston in 2013 and Ph.D. from Texas Tech University in 2019. After that, he becomes a Postdoctoral Researcher at Texas Tech University. Jie Yao’s expertise is in vortex dynamics, turbulence, flow control, and high-performance computing.

