1. Y. Yang, S. B. Pope, and J. H. Chen
Empirical low-dimensional manifolds in composition space
Combustion and Flame, 160, 1967-1980, 2013
2. Y. Yang, H. Wang, S. B. Pope, and J. H. Chen
Large-eddy simulation/PDF modeling of a non-premixed CO/H2 temporally evolving jet flame
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34, 1241-1249, 2013
3. Y. Yang and D. I. Pullin
Evolution of vortex-surface fields in viscous Taylor-Green and Kida-Pelz flows
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 685, 146-164, 2011
4. Y. Yang and D. I. Pullin
Geometric study of Lagrangian and Eulerian structures in turbulent channel flow
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 674, 67-92, 2011
5. Y. Yang and D. I. Pullin
On Lagrangian and vortex-surface fields in flows with Taylor-Green and Kida-Pelz initial conditions
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 661, 446-481, 2010
6. Y. Yang, D. I. Pullin, and I. Bermejo-Moreno
Multi-scale geometric analysis of Lagrangian structures in isotropic turbulence
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 654, 230-277, 2010
7. Y. Yang, G.-W. He, and L.-P. Wang
Effects of subgrid scale modeling on Lagrangian statistics in large-eddy simulation
Journal of Turbulence, 9 (8), 1-24, 2008