Faculty Directory
Yonggang Huang

Jan and Marcia Achenbach Professorship in Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and (by courtesy) Materials Science and Engineering


2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3109

847-467-3165Email Yonggang Huang


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering


Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Graduate Program

Download CV


Ph.D. Engineering Science Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

M.S. Engineering Science Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

B.S. Mechanics Peking University, Beijing, China

Research Interests

Yonggang Huang is the Achenbach Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University. He is interested in mechanics of stretchable and flexible electronics, and deterministic 3D assembly. He has published 2 books and more than 600 journal papers, including 10 in Science and 5 in Nature. He is a member of US National Academy of Engineering, US National Academy of Sciences, and American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is a Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering (2009), in Materials Science (since 2014), and in Physics (2018). His recognitions for undergraduate teaching and advising since 2016 include the Cole-Higgins Award for Excellence in Teaching, McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University in 2016; and Associated Student Government Faculty and Administrator Honor Roll, Northwestern University, 2018 and 2020.

Significant Recognition

  • Member, National Academy of Sciences
  • Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Member, National Academy of Engineering
  • Foreign Member, Academia Europaea
  • Foreign Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Foreign Member, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • Honorary Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021
  • Thurston Lecture Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019
  • von Karman Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2019
  • Bazant Medal, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018
  • Prager Medal, Society of Engineering Sciences, 2017
  • Nadai Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016
  • Drucker Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013
  • Richards Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Pi Tau Sigma (National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society), 2010
  • Guggenheim Fellowship, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2008

Significant Professional Service

  • Editor in Chief, Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME Transactions), 2012-
  • Co-Editor in Chief, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2011-
  • President, Society of Engineering Sciences, 2014
  • Chair, ASME Applied Mechanics Division, 2019-2020

Selected Publications

    1. Khang et al., “A stretchable form of single crystal silicon for high performance electronics on rubber substrates,” Science, v 311, pp 208-212, 2006.
    2. Kim et al., "Stretchable and foldable silicon integrated circuits," Science, v 320, pp 507-511, 2008 (Inner cover feature article).
    3. Ko et al., "A hemispherical electronic eye camera based on compressible silicon optoelectronics," Nature, v 454, pp 748-753, 2008 (cover feature article).
    4. Park et al., "Printed assemblies of inorganic light-emitting diodes for deformable and semitransparent displays," Science, v 325, pp 977-981, 2009.
    5. Rogers JA, Someya T, and Huang Y, "Materials and mechanics for stretchable electronics," Science, v 327, pp 1603-1607, 2010 (review article).
    6. Kim et al., "Epidermal electronics," Science, v 333, pp 838-843, 2011.
    7. Hwang et al., “A physically transient form of silicon electronics,” Science, v 337, pp 1640-1644, 2012 (cover feature article).
    8. Kim et al., “Injectable, cellular-scale optoelectronics with applications for wireless optogenetics,” Science, v 340, pp 211-216, 2013.
    9. Song et al., “Digital cameras with designs inspired by the arthropod eye,” Nature, v 497, pp 95-99, 2013 (cover feature article).
    10. Xu et al., “Soft microfluidic assemblies of sensors, circuits and radios for the skin,” Science, v 344, pp 70-74, 2014.
    11. Xu et al., “Assembly of micro/nanomaterials into complex, three-dimensional architectures by compressive buckling,” Science, v 347, pp 154-159, 2015. (cover feature article)
    12. Kang et al., “Bioresorbable silicon sensors for the brain,” Nature, v 530, pp 71-76, 2016.
    13. Chung et al., “Binodal, wireless epidermal electronic systems with in-sensor analytics for neonatal intensive care,” Science, v 363, article eaau0780, 2019.
    14. Mickle et al., "A wireless closed-loop system for optogenetic peripheral neuromodulation," Nature, v 565, pp 361-365, 2019.
    15. Yu et al., “Skin-integrated wireless haptic interfaces for virtual and augmented reality,” Nature, v 575, pp 473-479, 2019.