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ѧѧԺ   оԱʿʦѧϵͳѧƵ㣩
2013.4--    ѧѧԺѧ빤̿ѧϵ   оԱ
2011.2--2011.8     ѧ   Research Fellow
2010.7--2013.4     ѧ   ʦʲʿ


2005.9--2010.7   ѧѧԺѧ켼ϵ   ʿ
2001.9--2005.7   ƼѧϹѧԺ   ѧʿ

1.  ȻѧĿ¼ȫֲʽЭͬо2020-2023

2.  װԤнϻ˲ĿڷֲʽЭ۵˻Ⱥпо2018-2019

3.  ȻѧصĿ֫˹ؼۺͼо2018-2021ӿ⸺

4.  пƼǼƻ칹ϵͳֲʽЭƼӦã2018-2020


2018    Ψȫ߱ѧңClarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher

2017    ѧ߽ƻѧ

2017    пƼ

2015    ȻѧȽ

2015    ܯƼȽ

2013    IET Control Theory & Applications Premium AwardĽһ

2013    IEEE CSS Beijing Chapter Young Author Prize

2013    ѧʮʦѧȽ

2012    ȫ㲩ʿѧλĽ

2012    2009-2011ϵͳѧĽһ

2011    ȻѧһȽߣ

2010    йƪӰѧģһ


Z.K. Li, Z.S. Duan,Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems: A Consensus Region Approach, Taylor & Francis / CRC Press, Boca Roton, FL, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6994-2

1.  Z.K. Li, J. Chen, Robust consensus for multi-agent systems communicating over stochastic uncertain networks, SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization, 57(5): 3553- 3570, 2019.

2.  Z.K. Li, J. Chen, Robust consensus of linear feedback protocols over uncertain network graphs, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(8): 4251-4258, 2017.

3.  Z.K. Li, M.Z.Q.Chen, Z.T. Ding, Distributed adaptive controllers for cooperative output regulation of heterogeneous agents over directed graphs, Automatica, 68: 179-183, 2016. 

4.  Z.K. Li, G.H. Wen, Z.S. Duan, W. Ren, Designing fully distributed consensus protocols for linear multi-agent systems with directed graphs, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(4): 1152-1157, 2015.

5.  Z.K. Li, Z.S. Duan, F.L. Lewis, Distributed robust consensus control of multi-agent systems with heterogeneous matching uncertainties, Automatica, 50(3): 883-889, 2014.

6.  Z.K. Li, W. Ren, X.D. Liu, L.H. Xie, Distributed consensus of linear multi-agent systems with adaptive dynamic protocols, Automatica, 49(7): 1986-1995, 2013. (Regular Paper) 

7.  Z.K. Li, W. Ren, X.D. Liu, M.Y. Fu, Consensus of multi-agent systems with general linear and Lipschitz nonlinear dynamics using distributed adaptive protocols, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(7): 1786-1791, 2013.

8.  Z.K. Li, X.D. Liu, W. Ren, L.H. Xie, Distributed tracking control for linear multiagent systems with a leader of bounded unknown input, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(2): 518-523, 2013.

9.  Z.K. Li, Z.S. Duan, G.R. Chen, On Hand H2performance regions of multi-agent systems,  Automatica, 47(4): 797-803, 2011.

10. Z.K. Li, Z.S. Duan, G.R. Chen, L. Huang, Consensus of multiagent systems and synchronization of complex networks: A unified viewpoint, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 57(1): 213-224, 2010. (ѡġ2010йƪӰѧġ